Monday, June 13, 2011

Our Waterfront: Imagine This

Imagine...our city as an active part of a larger regional functioning ecosystem, where storm water management is integrated with city infrastructure and where urban estuary near Lower Water Street becomes an important gathering place for people to participate in and celebrate the spectacle of nature. ... A city which is supporting of a diverse ecosystem of plants, animals and marine life.

On June 9th WHW unveiled our concept for the Cable Wharf Plaza on the Halifax Waterfront in a public meeting at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. Our intention would be to transform our city to net zero water place... imagine this!

WHW was selected by the Waterfront Development Corporation Limited (WDCL), along with Ekistics Planning and Design and Breakhouse/Teal after a public call for proposals to complete concept designs for the Cable Wharf Plaza on the Halifax Waterfront. The assignment was to explore the potential commercial, residential or other uses the site has to offer.

The site is a significant property in the heart of the waterfront where people visit from all over the world and WDCL wants to choose an appropriate and innovative design. They are asking for public input based on the three concepts presented at the public meeting. WDCL is hoping to receive valuable public input about the key design features and best-liked elements; this input will be used to help direct the design of the project. Click here to review the designs and proide your input.

A design charrette for the Cable Wharf/George Street Project

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